apt-get knoppix

Packages.gz: 24-Feb-2013 16:52 : 33K: Debian Binary Package Index: Sources.gz: 24-Feb-2013 16:52 : 65K: Debian Source Archive Index: configs/ 07-Feb-2013 01:27
Apt-get / dpkg tutorial - Knoppix Linux.
If requesting help with Knoppix, it is important to let other users know right up front whether you are running your Knoppix system from the liveCD
画像をクリックすると拡大します。 ファイル名: knoppix_v5.3.1DVD_20080326-20080408-AC.iso 4.3GB; Bittorrent: http://unit.aist.go.jp/itri/knoppix

KNOPPIX Système d'exploitation GNU/Linux. Communauté francophone d'utilisateurs et de développeurs KNOPPIX.
GIS-Knoppix ist eine bootfähige Linux-CD mit vorinstallierter Open-Source GIS Software.
Ubuntu-System Reparieren
KNOPPIX SOURCE REPOSITORY at debian. KNOPPIX Système d'exploitation GNU/Linux KNOPPIX Système d'exploitation GNU/Linux Knoppix Linux
Download: Knoppix 7.0.5, kostenlos (Deutsch). Knoppix heißt eine Linux-Distribution von Klaus Knopper, die sich ohne Installation vollständig von CD/DVD aus
how do i change apt-get source list???.
apt-get knoppix
Knoppix, Download bei heise - IT-News, c't, iX, Technology Review ...i see lots of help on what to change my source list, but im a newb and i dont know how to change it. any help would be nice tia KNOPPIX Japanese edition - Unit
I have been using debian for ages, but I still don't know all the tricks or how to use all the advanced apt / dpkg features, and I didn't need to with debian. But
apt-get knoppix